Tree Averages (National)
Number of Trees per ha
Basal Area (m2/ha)
Bole Volume (m3/ha)
Volume (m3/ha)
Above Ground Biomass (tons/ha)
Total Biomass (tons/ha)
AG Carbon (tons/ha)
Total Carbon (tons/ha)
Tree Totals (National)
Number of Trees
Bole Volume (m3)
Volume (m3)
AG Biomass (tons)
Total Biomass (tons)
AG Carbon (tons)
Total Carbon (tons)
Tree Statistics by Forest Resource Assessment Class
Country Level
Actual Stats by FRA Class
Tree Statistics by Forest Resource Assessment Classes and Major Vegetation Types
Country Level
Country Level
By Province
Tree Statistics by Province, FRA class, Major Vegetation Type and Vegetation Type
Tree Health by Province and Tree Count or Volume
Tree Quality by Province and Tree Count or Volume
Tree Statistics by Valuability
Tree Use Statistics
Sapling Averages
Number of Saplings per ha
Volume per ha (m3)
AG Biomass (tons/ha)
Total Biomass (tons/ha)
AG Carbon (tons/ha)
Total Carbon (tons/ha)
Sapling Totals (Estimated)
Number of Saplings
Volume (m3)
AG Biomass (tons)
Total Biomass (tons)
AG Carbon (tons)
Total Carbon (tons)
Sapling Statistics by Forest Resource Assessment Class
Sapling Statistics by Forest Resource Assessment Classes and Major Vegetation Types
Sapling Statistics by province, FRA class, Major Vegetation Type and Vegetation Type
Sapling statistics by Province, FRA class and Major Vegetation type
Bamboo Results by Forest Assessment Class
Bamboo Results by FRA class and Major Vegetation Type
Stump Statistics by FRA class
Deadwood Statistics by FRA Class
Stumps by FRA Class and Major Vegetation type
Note:Recommented to report only for Forest Lands, because sampling intensity was low on other land types
Note: Forest>Forest plantation: not representative data at the country, only 8 plot sections in Copperbelt Province
Deadwood by FRA Class and Major Vegetation type
Note:Recommented to report only for Forest Lands, because sampling intensity was low on other land types
Note: Forest>Forest plantation: not representative data at the country, only 8 plot sections in Copperbelt Province